Friday, January 31, 2020

[BREAKING NEWS] Omen found in Orgrimmar sniffing butts!

Despite claims that Omen does not behave like a normal mutt, he has been found frequenting local businesses inside the Orc capital.  Most recently found sniffing the rear of Thrall himself while not so successfully resisting the urge to gnaw on every undead in sight.  This is a warning for all the forsaken to steer clear of the desert peninsula of durotar until further notice.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Update time!

Hello you beautiful people!

Been a while since I went ahead and updated you all on the state of things, first of all I'd like to thank all of our officers for keeping the peace while I was MIA after my surgery. One of those people who did exceptionally well is Kryo! And due to his interest and work he's put forward in the guild I offered him a spot within our ranks and glad to say he accepted! So welcome Kryo to our officer team. Now down to fun stuff, we're about to start a soft-launch of our website, which you're on right now (lmao) and here we hope to set up a defined list of how we will be doing looting, and core raid teams as well as the start of our guild banks. Please refer any questions you may have on our discord (which is also linked on our website) and don't hesitate to @ either me (nemo) or any of our officers. Thank you again for stopping by and I hope we make this another important part of our community!

-NemoMeow (Guild Leader)

Monday, September 23, 2019

Regarding promotions and New website!

Hey there everyone, Nemo here! As a commemoration of our shiny new website we'd like to announce one of three promotions, first one will be Zaiross! Congratulations!! Regarding our website, while still in its infancy we will strive to make it a nice integration to our guild, with many future plans in mind, we hope you join us in the adventure we're going to be sailing on. As always have fun!

-NemoMeow (Guild Leader)